Solving Ad fatigue.

I've been making Facebook ads for 2 years.

Let’s get one thing straight:

Telling brands to churn out 60 ads monthly to battle “ad fatigue.” is complete B.S.

Here’s why:

Ad fatigue supposedly happens when people see your ad too often.

But unless your total addressable market (TAM) is microscopic, you’re talking to tens of millions.

So why do your ads crash after spending $2k, $5k, or even $10k?

Simple. Your Ads just aren’t made for cold traffic.

Here’s how your funnel actually looks:

- Top Of Funnel (Cold Traffic) — 60% of your TAM.
- Middle Of Funnel (Warm Traffic) — 30% of your TAM.
- Bottom Of Funnel (Hot Traffic) — 10% of your TAM.

Hot traffic wants to buy, so what do most marketers do?

They build ads just for them, completely overlooking cold traffic.

The problem is you’re only hitting 10% of your market, and once you start spending more, your ads fall apart with cold traffic.


Simply because people who’ve never heard of you need reasons to buy.

Forget your “I Wish I Knew This Sooner” ads.

If you want to scale new customer acquisition, focus on the Top of Funnel with ads that:

- Clearly articulate your value proposition.
- Highlight the unique mechanism behind your product.
- Call out the failed solutions customers have already tried and hated.

Stop fighting the “ad fatigue” myth. It's nonsense.

Your only goal with Facebook ads should be:

Converting cold traffic into new customers.

This Ad we made for TOFU has been running for 183 days in client's ad account.

Stan Olery

My agency creates high-impact ad creatives for fast-growing DTC brands like Embryolisse, Kachava, Vitamail, and more. Join 1000+ DTC brand operators for daily creative strategy SOPs that generated over $7M in revenue for our clients this past year!

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